Yesterday Azaylee had her 4 month appointment. She was 13lbs 15 oz( 75th) 24 1/4 inches(75th) and her head was 16 1/2(50th). Seems she has slimmed down alot from her 90th percentile weights! The new pediatrician said she was doing great and that she was a good size for her age. She did great with her shots. She didn't cry at all until the 2nd one and that lasted only a minute. I really liked the new pediatrician's office and felt comfortable there. I hope this is a better experience! Azaylee kept smiling at the doctor everytime he talked to her. At the other office she cried most of the time. I don't know what the difference was but she was happy to be there.
4 month facts:
* Azaylee no longer takes the soothie! After all that attachment she decided to be done with it and now just sucks on two fingers.
* She rolls both ways and if I leave the room for only a moment she is laying on the cold hard tile off of her rug and blanket, but she doesnt seem to care.
* She is loving rice cereal and seems really excited when I get it out for her to eat each day.
* Azaylee likes to play in the exersaucer. Sometimes when I take her out when she isn't ready to get out she will start crying.
* She is still miss independent, and doesnt like sleeping on us. If we lay her in her crib she normally falls asleep within a few whimpers.
* She is not a very talkative baby. She prefers to just listen and watch everyone else talk.
* She has a few fave toys that she really enjoys and gets excited about. (one is that bumblebee frog you got her, russ and em! Thanks)
* She still loves baths and sometimes squeals when I turn the water on for her bath.
* She loves to swing outside and ride in the stroller for walks. If only it were warmer outside!
* She always wakes up smiling!
* She has slept 12 hours straight everyday this week!