Friday, January 8, 2010

National "de-lurking" Week

Supposedly it is national de-lurking week, which sounds just plain weird to me. BUT, I want to know if you lurk around here and read my blog. So leave me a comment if you do. I don't really see a point in continuing if I'm the only one that looks at it. (Besides, I know I don't post that often post-Zaylee =)


Hilary Ann said...

I don't think I'm a lurker . . . just an occasional commenter . . . but wanted you to know I'm still around and loving your updates!

wonderfulwinfreys said...

I look at it daily! But I understand if it's too much to keep up, I know you're busy. I'd love for you to continue blogging, but if it's too much, please start emailing me tons!

mary said...

I read your blog! and I really like how you have other updated blogs on the side:) keep blogging:)

Unknown said...

I check in with you! Sorry for lurking. :) I'm bad at that...but love reading how you guys are!

joshuncc said...

Both Brooke and I check the site to see what new things you've got going on. If it's a lot for you though, as it became for us, just stop posting as often. We don't update our blog nearly as often as we once did. When we have time though, we do, and it's great to keep non-facebooking family members in touch.

Brooke said...

We read yours and enjoy it! You update so frequently. I wish I could update that much!

Kelly said...

I enjoy looking in and seeing your new pictures!!

Unknown said...

You caught me....Azaylee's grandma is a lurker...lurking for news & pics of you, Aaron, & Azaylee.

The Nilsen Nest said...

I check it every once in awhile! I was going to quit blogging myself but then I realized I don't blog for everyone else, I blog for us. To have something to look back on in the years to come. And Azaylee will love that you did :)