Sunday, March 14, 2010


I have alot to blog about, but we will start with this topic since this is where I left off. I have lost 12 lbs total now. It has involved hard work and some major changes in my life. I am no longer counting points because I was just gaining and losing the same 6 lbs over and over! Now I have cut out additives, preservatives and most things with food coloring. I have felt so much better! I haven't had any soda or junk food. This means lots of trips to Trader Joe's and cooking lots of foods from scratch. When you actually start looking at the labels it is amazing what is in the everyday foods you eat. I haven't had nearly as many headaches and I have had alot of energy. I have been walking on the Greenway, jogging in our neighborhood, and doing the Shred. It is nice to have some variation in work outs and the weather has been beautiful to get outside in! SO 12 lbs down, 38 to go!!


wonderfulwinfreys said...

You are doing fantastic! I'm so glad you posted! I miss your posts so much! What in the world is the Greenway???

Love ya!

Ashley said...

It is 7 mile stretch of gravel/pavement to walk on in our area. It goes through lots of neighborhoods in our area and is beautiful... There are creeks and bridges and parks along the way.

Jeanie said...

Way to go, Ashley! Sounds like you've been working hard. Totally worth it if your feeling better. You'll have to call me when your walking on the greenway sometime. It'd be fun to do it together, especially since I'll probably have to stop running soon and just walk these last few months before the baby comes. I'm hoping to come by soon and get my double jog stroller from you all and take it to Lizzy's house. She says I can store it in their garage and then just come by and get it when I'm at the greenway. Just thought I'd let you know in case I forget!

Anne said...

I second Jeanie's request! I would love to go on the greenway with you!

Also, I have noticed that you've lost weight. You look great!

Unknown said...

Yay Ashley! Good job! This is really inspiring...especially since I noticed this morning that I'm the exact weight I was almost a year ago. And I've been counting points off and on all year! Anyway, glad to see you found something that's working for you! And which neighborhood do you live in?