Sunday, March 14, 2010


About a month ago, we headed to VA with Aaron's parents, Audrey, Kyle, and Leighra. We stayed in a cabin in Spotsylvania. Azaylee went swimming for the first time and pretty much hated it :(. Hopefully as she gets more used to it, it will become fun. I just thought that since she loves baths, pool would definitely be fun. We also went to visit the Campbells. It was so nice to catch up with them. We spent two fun days in DC. On the way home we went to visit Aaron's Aunt and Uncle in Lynchburg. We had a great time! Here are some pics-

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I have alot to blog about, but we will start with this topic since this is where I left off. I have lost 12 lbs total now. It has involved hard work and some major changes in my life. I am no longer counting points because I was just gaining and losing the same 6 lbs over and over! Now I have cut out additives, preservatives and most things with food coloring. I have felt so much better! I haven't had any soda or junk food. This means lots of trips to Trader Joe's and cooking lots of foods from scratch. When you actually start looking at the labels it is amazing what is in the everyday foods you eat. I haven't had nearly as many headaches and I have had alot of energy. I have been walking on the Greenway, jogging in our neighborhood, and doing the Shred. It is nice to have some variation in work outs and the weather has been beautiful to get outside in! SO 12 lbs down, 38 to go!!