Azaylee had her two month appt today! She is 12 lbs 2 oz.(75th percentile) and 24 inches tall (95 percentile). She is growing very well and is a good nurser. We are IN LOVE with this baby girl and still can't believe we have been blessed with such a gift.
The last 8 weeks have defnitely been rough and wonderful all at the same time. We are beginning to really adjust to life with a baby. Thanks for all the advice that all of you passed along to us.
Some facts about our girl-
*Azaylee is a screamer, going from nothing to a full out scream in a matter of seconds, sometimes over nothing at all.
* She smiles pretty often and will laugh at her daddy when he starts talking to her almost all the time.
*She is also a spitter. She spits up so much you begin to wonder if she's got anything left in her stomach, which by looking at the weight, you can tell she does. ;)
* She likes a routine and does not sleep very well anywhere other than at home.
*She can roll from tummy to back.
*She loves music. John Mayer can calm her down any day. (That was the main station on Pandora I listened to while I was pregnant and she seems to recognize it!)
*She snorts when she cries :)
* Azaylee has just started "cooing" and "gooing" over the last few weeks.
* She loves lights on toys, on ceilings; pretty much anywhere she sees a light she becomes glued.
* Azaylee loves her soothie pacifier and will accept no other kind.
* She also is very interested in looking at books when we read to her.
*I asked Aaron to tell me any other facts about Azaylee that he thought were important and his was "She looks cute all the time" :) I think he's wrapped around her finger already.
I will try to get some 2 month pictures up soon.